there are actual people on this website just gotta watchout for the assholes
but this site is fantastic. i have met good friends on here
Hello Newgrounders, I am KurtWilder2027. I am an advent fan of professional wrestling and heavy metal. There is not much to me, I am a simple guy. If you happen to find this page send me a message. I'd enjoy a good chat.
Age 32, Male
Gainfully Unemployed
I don't do that
Eastern Seaboard
Joined on 4/7/08
there are actual people on this website just gotta watchout for the assholes
but this site is fantastic. i have met good friends on here
Yeah, where there are people, there are assholes.
I have had a lot of good friends on here too. Just none of them stuck around. It's just me now!
i hope you make new ones :)
Here's hoping friend!
i wish i was around for a year :3
there are people who do read ur blog.
i am one of them.
things get better you seem cool
i have come to find newgrounds some a friend of mine whose on it and only uses it for video games/ after i made an account i got way too addicted
Fantastic! Either my mind has created complex hallucinations (which sounds SUPER fun), or there are actual people on the internet! How exciting...
This site can be waaay fun. It's why I keep coming back!